Our last evening in Cape Town saw us driving up to Table Mountain to view the bay of Cape Town. Scott also sprung a proposal with the help of Ant and Cand. Scott had apparently gone to see jewellers about a ring when he arrived at Cape Town two weeks before I flew over. South Africa is known for its diamonds, but we had both expressed a personal dislike of the rock earlier in our relationship, preferring to use our astrological birthstones for a spot of colour. So it was a bit of a funny story when he came all the way to the previous stone wholesalers in this country to buy a sapphire. He even got the jeweller to custom make this double-banded design out of platinum! It’s too bad we only got the ring on the last day we were in Cape Town (after much trickery about him going to the restroom and disappearing), so we weren’t able to bring it in for a free resizing.
Video by: Cand.View from the mid-point of Table Mountain. We decided not to join the incredibly meandering queue for the 225 Rand (SGD $20) roundtrip cable car ride which would have brought us all the way to the flat peak, opting instead to drive away from all the tourists to get a quieter view.Lion’s Head on the left and Signal Hill on the right. Lion’s Head is the pointy bit, which according to the Dutch in the 17th century, beared a resemblence to a crouching lion while Signal Hill (apparently also known as Lion’s Rump) is the coastal bit which is lower-lying.We descended and drove through Cape Town to Signal Hill, which Scott said offered a better view because we actually got to see Table Mountain in its glory from over there. He wasn’t wrong.Wearing NewDress dress, Zara coat, Nine West bag, Tutu Anna socks, Zalora shoes. Photo assist: Scott.Photo assist: Scott.Photo by: Ant & Cand.At some point, Cand expressed interest in picking up a dSLR, and asked to borrow mine to play with it for a while to test out the image and video functions. Little did I know… Photo by: Cand.This was the panorama I was taking when Scott surprised me with his proposal, with Cand and Ant silhouetted against the setting sun.Photo by: Cand.Mintly-engaged me with tricksters Ant, Cand, and Scott.My pretty blue ring against the backdrop of Cape Town. We experienced some car trouble.Last night in Cape Town. Since I was the only person who didn’t know jack about cars, I attempted to free-shoot the starry night sky while they fixed the problem.Lastly, some sights we were reluctant to say goodbye to in Fish Hoek, including this colourful chameleon hanging out in Ant’s backyard! So jelly.Saying goodbye to Puddi Tat.Awesome friends, and flowers from their backyard. Thank you, beautiful Cape Town and Fish Hoek. 🙂