I was recently invited to the launch cum workshop of the 1 Day Magic beauty series by Japanese makeup brand K-Palette. The series consists of a Liquid Eyeliner, Fiber Mascara, Eyeglue Liquid, and 3D Palette, which I got to try first hand during the workshop. As someone whose daily routine consists of nothing much beyond BB cream and lipstick, it was quite literally the eye-opener. Publicist PR did another fine job for this event.
By the way, K-Palette is organising a competition in which you could stand a chance to win the following:
1) K-Palette’s 1 Day Magic series (worth $100)
2) Stylish outfit (worth $150) c/o JRunway
3) Haircut & Styling session (worth $158) c/o Shunji Matsuo Hair Studio
For details on how to enter, please head on to their Facebook page. Competition ends 22 August, not 8 August as depicted.

1) 1 Day Magic 3D Palette I thought that this was a blusher at first, but in fact it really is an all-in-one facial contouring kit. The skin tone palette is touted as a convenient swatch for accentuating the facial structure- this basically covered every part of my face, even acting as eyeshadow and bringing my features forward by giving highlights and shadows to my nose and cheeks. For a moment there it felt like I was getting ready at RuPaul’s… The palette even boasts ingredients that include hyaluronic acid, water-soluble collagen and shea butter, all the better to protect and moisturise your face with. For those with sensitive skin, may I recommend applying this on a small area beforehand, as I broke out the next day and haven’t had a chance to check if this was the sole cause of my distressing skin problem.
2) 1 Day Magic Eyeglue Liquid This double eyelid creator set comes with an accompanying stick applicator that features a Y-shaped end on one side (to create lines) and a pointy end on the other (to set them). I tend to tell people I’m a single eyelid person, but I actually do possess a set of very fine double eyelids close to my lash line. This was a great opportunity to see how I would look like with obvious double eyelids so I was pretty excited, but also slightly apprehensive, because the thought of poking repeatedly at my eyeballs doesn’t seem so appealing to me. The good thing about this is that it also doubles as a false eyelash glue, which will come in useful when I play with my small stash of colourful falsies.
3) 1 Day Magic Liquid Eyeliner This was the product that I looked forward to the most. I’m in desperate need of a good eyeliner for when I play bridesmaid to Eve’s wedding in a couple of weeks, so imagine my delight when this godsend appeared, featuring an easy-to-apply brush with a pointy tip for versatile drawing. The waterproof formula is also fast-drying so it doesn’t smudge, yet for some reason was really easy to come off when I cleansed my face that night. I’ve had some pretty bad experience with eyeliners in the past when I started experimenting with makeup- smudging due to an oily eye area, staying on forever till I scrubbed my eyes raw, smelling really bad, and the list goes on, but this eyeliner had a great consistency and really is pretty wonderful. Personally my fave of the bunch. It really is tempting me to spend that extra 15 minutes every morning to outline my eyes.
4) 1 Day Magic Fiber Mascara I mentioned earlier that our make-up artist Miho-san used this to achieve her extravagant lashes, and it did seem pretty incredible. The wand features a volumising mascara on one end (in black) and a white fiber mascara on the other. What you do is to curl your lashes with an eyelash curler first, and then apply the black volumising mascara followed by dabbing white fiber onto them. Don’t be alarmed if clumps of what seem to be dust motes lie benignly on your lashes, they will soon disappear as soon as you reapply the black mascara over them. Supposedly you could repeat these steps, layering fiber over fiber until you get up to 10 times the volume of your eyelashes. Dude that’s insane. I was pretty impressed by the length and noticeability of my eyelashes after two applications, though it does seem to take quite a bit of time to layer.

1) Lined my right eye with no problem at all, which was surprising considering how I’ve always seemed to have trouble with eyeliners due to my inexperience. You can also see my shy double eyelids from this angle!
2) Applied my first round of volumising mascara. I don’t exactly have short eyelashes, but still this added quite a bit of length to them.
3) In the midst of applying the fiber mascara, in which you can see the clumps resting on my lashes. “It’s snowing!” someone at my table exclaimed. Haha!
4) Tadaa first round of mascara application complete.